In order to be successful, nonprofit organizations require strong leadership from their Board of Directors. The board responsibility is to oversee the effectiveness of management policies and decisions, including the execution of its strategies. Learn the roles and responsibilities of the board and how accountability by a nonprofit's internal and external stakeholders requires a fully engaged and active board of directors who manage the organization. Discuss how you may increase board members' commitments to the mission and purpose of your organization, and how boards must be active and engaged to fulfill their legal and governance duties. This course addresses the following topics: the board’s role and responsibilities, the board and the executive director’s relationship, financial and legal responsibilities of the board, and how to recruit and select good board members.
Instructor: Anne Griffin, lead consultant for Griffin Solutions.
Pre-registration is required. Click here to register.
Class ID: 0818-023
Registration Fee: $120
Materials fee: $5 (exact amount, in cash, due at beginning of class)
This course counts as the Core Course in Board Deveolopment/Governance for the Certificate in Nonprofit Management.