Greensboro Library, NC
Home MenuCollege Prep
The road to higher education can be a little overwhelming at times. So to make the process a little easier for you, the Public Library offers help with preparing for the SAT, choosing a college and finding ways to pay for tuition.
Most schools will require you to submit a score from a standardized test such as the SAT or ACT. Preparing for these tests with study tools and testing tips will ensure that you really do the best that you can do!
Testing and Education Reference Center
A testing and education preparation resource that includes in-depth information on college, graduate, and professional programs, professional training, scholarships, and entrance tests alongside practice tests for entrance exams, certifications, and licensing exams.
Which school is right for you?
Be sure to explore all of your options in order to find the right school and program for you.
Search for Colleges
College Foundation of North Carolina
Peterson’s Educational Resource
Financial Aid
Do not let the high cost of higher education keep you from pursuing your dream. There are many options available to those willing to search for them.
Visit your local library for more information on preparing for college.