Greensboro Library, NC
Home MenuGreensboro Learning Circles
What is a Learning Circle?
Learn something new. A learning circle is a learning group for people who want to learn anything! From technical subjects and certifications to health and wellness to something purely for fun. It can cover a variety of topics. There are no experts. There is someone in charge of the logistics and everyone learns together. Course material is typically presented in the form of videos and articles. Learning series are typically 4-6 sessions.
How do I get started?
Gather a group. The people can be from places like your neighborhood, an organization, a group of friends, or community of faith.
Survey them to see what subject you would like to learn about.
Sign up for an account on
How do I choose my Greensboro Learning Circle (GLC)?
The Greensboro Public Library can help you get started! We use the resources at, a worldwide organization dedicated to shared learning. You can browse guides to popular learning circle topics and select materials for your learning circle.
We have also created some that GLC’s that are on our website. Learning Circles are “open source.” In other words, you can use our material freely as long as you give us credit as the source.
You can also find or create your own learning circles. We can provide you with a template.
Greensboro Learning Circles began as a project to spark community action and promote social justice. Learning Circles supported by the Greensboro Public Library are based on peer learning, community and equity. The project was initially funded through a grant to create resilient communities from UNCG’s Department of Communication Studies, the host institution for the National Communication Association Center for Communication, Community and Collaboration and Change. To learn more about this project watch this video.
Do you or your organization want to start your own learning circle? Email Beth Sheffield.